Capitalism getting a taste of its own medicine: being exploited and capitalized upon. Klar collaborates with several artists on this project showcasing the flaws of capitalism & its imminent demise, with most of us paying that price. The exhibit opened with a New Orleans-style Jazz Funeral up & down Karl-Marx-Allee, featuring Barbie at the helm, as Barbie was originally a German creation by way of the Reinhard Beuthien-created Lilli comic for Bild in 1952. Featuring the works of Jarrett Brandon, Ryan Brondolo, Rachel Jordan Brown, Kelly Kingman, Eli Klar, Eric Kruszewski, Jason McKoy, Margaret Grace Mills, Fernando Orellana, Mudflap Scotty, Sara Tantillo, Minnie Tonka with photography by Alberto Ferrero, curator Anne Breimaier of kma71.